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Educational toys for toddlers

It is safe to say that every little child is a curious observer of the world around them. Every day toddlers become more and more independent, constantly improve walking skills, more and more courageously run, climb and jump. They develop motor skills and manual dexterity. What is more, toddlers become more communicative, systematically expand their vocabulary and start to build their first sentences. They like to play and are more and more willing to establish contacts with peers.

A toddler’s daily “work” is play. Thanks to properly selected activities, the child improves his/her skills, expands knowledge and learns new things. You can support natural development by giving a child appropriate toys and actively accompanying them during various activities. A child learns by observing and memorizing the behavior, gestures and words of others, therefore an efficient memory and exercising attention and concentration are very important for its proper development.

Let’s actively support toddler’s development through play

Parents often wonder what toy for a toddler will be a really valuable choice. What do we recommend for 1-year-old or 2-year-old girls and boys? First of all, we suggest that whenever it is possible, you play together, choose manual toys, and keep away from electronics and screens. Every toy should be made of safe, certified and natural materials. We like and recommend cardboard ones. This is a great time to meet and play with our simple puzzles, games and creative books!

Our philosophy is simple: we give children and parents space for their own creative play. We follow children’s natural developmental stages and support them. We always make sure that our books, games and puzzles have content and form adapted to the age and interests of children. This is why our original books and toys are recommended by parents and specialists, psychologists and educators, but what we cherish the most: children really love them.

Playing with Banana Panda products allow you to spend valuable time together. Adults appreciate that while assembling solving puzzles or playing various games, toddlers train their memory, motor skills, learn new words and expand their imagination. Children do not even notice that – they simply are having a great time and fun!

Educational puzzles, books, and games for toddlers from Banana Panda

Learning is so much fun! We offer various creative sets for toddlers:

  • Memory – large-format Large memory and pocket memos work great as the first memory game, but classic memo is just one of many ways to play. Thanks to imagination, large boards and tokens will support games developing large and small motor skills, vocabulary and perceptiveness. First games such as Bingo, Dominoes and Memory train memory and imagination, and allow them to cope with the emotions that arise during competition. For more fun, invite your friends!
  • Puzzles – from simple two-element puzzles to more and more difficult, multi-element puzzles. Playing with puzzles perfectly develops perceptiveness, hand-eye coordination and inspires children to ask questions and gain knowledge. Playing with Mix and match puzzles is a great way to broaden imagination and just so much creative fun!
    Moreover, there are both super size floor puzzles and pocket size small packages so that you can play at home or on the go!
  • Riddles – handy books are packed with interesting facts and offer a fun way to gain new knowledge, learn about the world, and inspire further exploration. They are great on the go or at home.
  • Coloring books – new extra long booklets inspire toddlers to create, draw and paint.

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